Central Kentucky Football Officials Association Constitution and By-Laws

Article I

Name and Purpose

The name of the association shall be the Central Kentucky Football Officials Association (CKFOA), and it shall have the purpose of providing football officials for member schools of the KHSAA (Kentucky High School Athletic Association).

Article II


The objectives of the association shall be the following:
1. Monitor to insure compliance to all KHSAA regulations and standards by members.
2. Administer training and rules discussions meetings for members.
3. To recruit, train, and encourage new officials.

Article III


Section 1 – Membership

Membership is open to any registered and qualified KHSAA football official.

Section 2 – Dues

Annual dues shall be $50.00 for all CKFOA officials. Dues shall be paid by July 1. A late fee of $25.00 will be assessed for dues received after July 1. Dues for first year officials shall be due upon registration with the CKFOA.  No games can be assigned to any official unless he is in good standing as defined in Section 4.

Section 3 – Attendance

The CKFOA strongly encourages officials to attend all meetings. Members must attend one of the summer clinics specified in Article VI, Section 2. Members must attend a minimum of five meetings specified in Article VI,

Sections 1 & 3.
Attendance may be used as a factor in determining eligibility for future assignments.

Section 4 – Good Standing

1. Payment of dues to the CKFOA. (Article III, Section 2)

2. Comply with CKFOA meeting requirements. (Article III, Section 3)

3. Take the National Federation Part II Rules Exam and receive a passing score as established by the KHSAA each year. First year officials are considered in good standing until an opportunity to take the part II rules test is available so long as they comply will all other requirements in section 4.

4. Be in compliance with KHSAA requirements for becoming a licensed football official as listed in the KHSAA Officials Licensing Guidebook, including but not limited to, payment of the annual licensing fee prior to the KHSAA established deadline, completing the KHSAA football rules clinic, and any and all other requirements set forth in the Licensing Guidebook to be recommended for post season assignments. The Executive Board secretary will verify with KHSAA and CKFOA records that all members are in good standing prior to the first regular season games and again prior to the first round of the post season. The Secretary shall submit a list of any CKFOA members that are not in good standing to the Executive Board and the Assigning Secretary, those members will be omitted from assignment until they become in good standing. CKFOA members are responsible for confirming their standing with both the CKFOA and theKHSAA.

Article IV

Varsity Crews

Section 1 – Composition

A Varsity Crew shall consist of five officials; Referee, Umpire, Linesman, Line Judge and Back Judge. Each member of the crew shall be selected by the Assigning Secretary for each Varsity game.

Section 2 – Qualifications

Any member of the Association in good standing is qualified for assignment of any Varsity game. It is the responsibility of the Assigning Secretary to evaluate each official and assemble crews that are competent as prescribed by the Policy Board of the 10th and 11th Regions.

Section 3 – Schedule of games

Scheduling of regular season varsity games shall be determined by and at the discretion of the Assigning Secretary. All CKFOA members must be in good standing with the KHSAA and the CKFOA to be eligible to officiate regular season games at any level (Varsity, Jr. Varsity, Freshmen, and Middle School). The KHSAA assigns the post season games upon the recommendation of the CKFOA Assigning Secretary. CKFOA members must be in good standing with the KHSAA and the CKFOA to be recommended by the CKFOA Assigning Secretary for post season assignments.

Article V


Section 1 – Officers

The officers of the CKFOA shall be a Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms. Two at-large may also be elected to serve on the board.

Section 2 – Duties

1. President: It is the duty of the President to call the meetings to order at the appointed time, to preside at the meetings, to announce the business before the assembly in its proper
order, to state and put all questions properly brought before the assembly. At the end of the one year term as President this position shall become the Past President.

2. The Vice-President: The Vice President shall act as the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall perform all duties as may be assigned to him by the
President of the Executive Board. At the end of the one tear term as Vice- President this position shall become the President

3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of meetings. It is the duty of the Secretary to maintain a list of members in good standing with the KHSAA and the CKFOA. At the end of
the one tear term as Secretary this position shall become the Vice- President

4. Treasurer: It is the duty of the Treasurer to handle all of the finances of the CKFOA and file an annual financial report.

5. Sergeant at Arms: The Sergeant at Arms shall maintain accurate attendance records at each meeting. At the end of the one year term as Sergeant at Arms this position shall become the Secretary.

6. At-Large members: The at large members shall be involved in decisions and actions as needed to assist with the duties of the Board.

Section 3 – Election and Term

Any CKFOA member in good standing may be nominated for a position as an officer or an at large member. Elections will be held at the annual Business meeting for Sergeant at Arms and
at-large members, including the Treasurer when his term is due. The term of an officer on the board is a five- year commitment to serve through Sergeant at Arms, Secretary, Vice
President and President and Past President. All officer terms shall begin January 1st and end December 31st. The term for the elected at-large officers shall be a one year term beginning
on January 1st and end on December 31st. The office of treasurer shall be a three-year term  and shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st. In the event of a vacancy of
President, the Vice President shall assume the office. Any vacancy, in any other position besides Past President, shall be filled by a majority vote at the next meeting following the

Section 4 – Good Standing

Officers and members at large must be in good standing with the KHSAA and CKFOA.  Officers and members at large shall attend 75% of board meetings unless prior notification for valid absence is given to the Executive Board.

Section 5 Removal of Officers

Officers may be removed for failing to be in good standing. A vote shall be taken by the Executive Board to remove an officer not in good standing. The officer in question shall
not be involved in voting. A two-thirds vote by the remaining Executive Board is required to remove an officer.

Article VI


Section 1 – Training Meetings

The CKFOA shall hold at least eight training meetings. Training meetings shall begin so that four meetings are scheduled prior to the first regular season varsity game. Training meetings shall conclude prior to the last regular season varsity game. The schedule of these training meetings shall be approved by the Executive Board.

Section 2 – Summer Clinics

The Assigning Secretary shall hold at least two Summer clinics prior to July 1st. The dates of these shall be approved by the Executive Board.

Section 3 – Business Meeting

The Business meeting shall be held after the conclusion of the regular season, as scheduled by the Executive Board. The election of officers shall take place during the Business Meeting.

Article VII

Executive Board

Section 1 – Composition

The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the CKFOA, Past President, and the 10th and 11th Region Assigning Secretary, who is a non-voting member.

Section 2 – Power
The Executive Board Shall:

1. Appoint all committee chairmen and oversee committee activities.

2. Discipline any member who fails to comply with CKFOA By-Laws or the KHSAA Officials
Guidebook, or whose conduct or actions would be deemed detrimental to the integrity of the KHSAA or the CKFOA.

3. Determine according to the KHSAA Officials Handbook and CKFOA By-Laws, which officials are eligible for regular season and post season.

4. Call an Executive Meeting as required. The President or Assigning Secretary may call an Executive Board meeting as deemed necessary for the discussion and planning of the CKFOA
meetings, training agenda, recruitment of new officials, and general business concerning the purpose and objectives of the CKFOA.

Article VIII


Section 1 – Standing Committees

The standing committee is Training.

Section 2 – Selection

The committee chairmen for all standing committees will be selected by the Executive Board prior to June.

Section 3 – Duties and Composition

1. Training: The Executive Board shall appoint a KHSAA Level 3 Referee, Umpire, Linesman/Line Judge, and back judge to be members of the Training Committee. The duties of the Training
Committee shall be to prepare and conduct the Training program during the Training Meetings.

Article IX

Parliamentary Authority

The CKFOA is ruled by federal, state and local laws; then by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association; followed by the Tenth and Eleventh Policy Board; then by the Constitution and By-Laws of the CKFOA; and finally by Roberts Rules of Order.

Article X


The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of membership present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting.