Next 3 Meetings
First of all we are going to change the August 20th and 27th Meetings to August 21st and 28th. We are doing this to minimize the conflicts with the first 2 weeks of JV/9th games. Their are only 6 officials affected by the move to the 21st and only 3 will be affected on the 28th. If any of the officials scheduled on the 21st is in need of the meeting…feel free to contact me and I will reschedule.
August 6th Meeting: I will send out another email to confirm, but Frederick Douglass is scrimmaging Danville and Joe Stephan and I will be discussing about having the new officials going with Joe and a select group of officials to shadow and work the scrimmage. The details will be sent out by Friday.
Julian sent me a lot of information and materials for 7-man mechanics. I will get this to our webmasters to put on the CKFOA website and we will be discussing in the next 3 meetings.
Now a couple to tidbits
- We won’t be as slow as I thought on Fridays. There was a school that failed to add 3 games.
- Some of you have still not accepted your games for the first 2 weeks….Please do so ASAP.
- AGAIN….If you have not loaded a photo in Arbiter do so. If you want to change your less appropriate photo for a more appropriate one…..please do
Regular season is just a couple of weeks away…be sure that you are physically and mentally ready.