by admroot17 | Jun 23, 2021 | Summer Meeting Schedule
Just a reminder that the second offering of the 2021 CKFOA Summer Football Clinic will be this Wednesday June 23rd at the indoor facilities at Great Crossing High School. The Clinic will begin promptly at 6:00 and will last to 8:45 – 9:00. This is one of...
by admroot17 | Jun 2, 2021 | Spring Meetings, Summer Meeting Schedule
THIS IS GOING OUT TO EVERYONE. THIS IS GOING OUT TO EVERYONE AND PLEASE SHARE WITH ANY POTENTIAL NEW OFFICIAL First Summer CLINIC-Saturday June 5th- COMPLETED This is a reminder that the second offering of the Summer Clinic will be offered tonight Wednesday June 23rd....
by admroot17 | May 29, 2021 | Announcements, CKFOA Meeting Schedule, Keith's latest emails, Spring Meetings, Summer Meeting Schedule
Here are the meeting dates the board has set and is driving for this year. As you notice some will be virtual and some in person, while a few are yet to be decided. Please pencil these in your calendars and make note of the two summer meeting dates. Also, if you are...
by admroot17 | May 8, 2019 | Important information from Keith, Keith's latest emails, Summer Meeting Schedule
REMINDER: CKFOA SECOND SUMMER CLINIC SATURDAY JUNE 26TH @ 6pm- FREDERICK DOUGLASS HS FROM KEITH: The Summer Clinic will be Wednesday, June 26th at 6 PM at Frederick Douglass HS.