by admroot17 | Jul 18, 2019 | Announcements, Keith's latest emails, Kieth's e-mails
THIS IS GOING OUT TO EVERYONE Just a reminder that the makeup Summer Clinic will be this Saturday July 20th at North Laurel High School (Library) from 10:00 – 12:00. If you are going to attend…please drop me an email or text. This way I know how many to...
by admroot17 | Jun 27, 2019 | Keith's latest emails, Kieth's e-mails
THIS IS GOING OUT TO EVERYONE This is a reminder that Association Dues are due by July 1st ($50.00) after July 1st Dues will be $75.00. New members have until the 3rd regular season meeting to pay their dues without penalty. Licensing and Re-licensing is now...
by admroot17 | Jun 17, 2019 | Announcements, Keith's latest emails, Kieth's e-mails
THIS IS GOING OUT TO EVERYONE If you do not plan to return to officiate this year please send me a text or email to confirm. To confirm that you are planning to come back…please log into Arbiter ON A COMPUTER. This shows me the date you logged in. If there is...
by admroot17 | Jun 17, 2019 | Keith's latest emails, Kieth's e-mails
THIS IS GOING OUT TO ALL MEMBERS MAKE-UP SUMMER CLINIC DATE July 13th or 20th (TBA) North Laurel High School 10:00 – 12:30 REGULAR SEASON MEETING DATES: Regular Season Meeting Dates: Mon – July 22nd Mon – July 29th Mon – August 5th Mon –...
by admroot17 | May 8, 2019 | Keith's latest emails, Kieth's e-mails, Old Posts
THIS IS GOING OUT TO ALL OFFICIALS I have 2 Spring Dates that have been given out so far. This Friday at Madison Central. Justin Raymer has 2 or 3 prospects and could use a couple more. Going to start at 4:00. Contact me if interested and will give details. May 16th...
by admroot17 | Aug 16, 2018 | Kieth's e-mails
Here is what I received for the 9th/JV Conference for the 8 teams listed.. The only correction is that Boyle County will also only be playing 6 minute quarters. Please take note of the overtime procedure….it is definitely different. Keith Keith...